Scotland’s Transatlantic Poetry Magazine
BAME Feature Application
The Dark Horse is seeking to appoint two early-career BAME editors to curate a 64-page
feature of UK-wide poetry and poetry-related essays by BAME writers to be published as
part of an extended issue 43 of The Dark Horse appearing in late June/early July 2021.
Final editorial decisions as to accepted content of the feature will rest with these guest
editors. The journal’s editor, Gerry Cambridge, will act in an advisory/mentoring role as
requested or desired. A fee of £1,100 per editor is available for this work, which will
consist of soliciting, selecting, initial editing and collating of the feature’s contents.
Payment will be made for all work included. The magazine will support this feature via
calls through its networks for submissions and proposals etc. The successful applicants
should gain considerable insight into many aspects of the publication of a successful little
magazine with a view to encouraging their future involvement in small press publishing.
* open to applicants either resident, or born, in Scotland
* likelihood of benefit regarding editing skills/issues around editing
* interest in editing/small press publishing/little magazine culture
* demonstrated previous interest in editing an advantage but not essential
* if applicants are also writers, then at an early stage in their publishing career
* some knowledge of BAME writers currently at work in Scotland & the UK
Selection Process:
Applications will be considered both by Gerry Cambridge and Marjorie Lotfi and a
shortlist of up to six applicants drawn up.
Applicants are requested to supply a statement of 350 words about their interest in the
position and giving their reasons for applying, a one-page CV, and a further (brief)
statement about the form they think such a publication would take. Please email
applications in the first instance to Gerry Cambridge at:
Appointments will be based on the requested statements, CV, and interviews by email or,
if necessary, online via Zoom.
Closing date for applications is 5pm on Wednesday 27 January 2021.
Shortlisted applicants will be informed on or before Monday 8 February 2021 with any
further interviews at a date to be confirmed.